How much of the project will be built and serviced locally?
Once is service, we expect the Morro Bay Offshore operations and maintenance personnel to live locally and work and service the project from nearby shore-based facilities. Due to the size of the offshore wind components, the final assembly of the floating offshore wind systems needs to be done as close to the installation site as possible. The Port of Morrow Bay is a working waterfront servicing a vibrant commercial fishing industry that makes up the backbone of a robust and diverse economy of Morro Bay. The Port is home to two aquaculture businesses, nine charter vessels that conduct recreational and commercial trips, one marine construction operator, marine chandlery/marine supplies stores and seafood processing facilities.
Presently the Port of Morro Bay does not have an adequate infrastructure for staging the assembly and deployment of floating offshore wind units, but the Port could serve as a good location for a project maintenance facility. Trident Winds has established open channels of communications with MBCFO and plans to continue to work closely with local marine and portside businesses.